
ID Screen® FMD NSP Competition

Competitive ELISA for the detection of Foot and Mouth Disease 3ABC non structural protein antibodies (NSP) in serum and plasma from bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and all susceptible species.


  • High sensitivity and specificity
  • Short and overnight incubations: possibility to deliver same-day FMD results when using the short protocol
  • Easy-to-use: no freeze-dried reagents and all dilution buffers are supplied coloured and ready-to-use
  • Efficiently detects carrier animals
  • Practical: you can easily check that all samples have been correctly deposited because the dilution buffer changes colour upon addition of the sera


 Method  Competitive ELISA (solid phase blocking ELISA)
 Species  Ruminants, swine and all susceptible species
 Specimens  Serum and plasma
 Coated antigen  3ABC recombinant protein
 Conjugate  Anti-3ABC NSP-HRP (concentrated 10X)


                                             ORDERING INFORMATION

 Product code  FMDNSPC-5P  FMDNSPC-10P
 Kit format  5 plates  10 plates
 Reactions  480  960
 Plate format  12 x 8-well strips  12 x 8-well strips



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