
ID Screen® FMD Type O Competition

Competitive ELISA for the detection of Foot and Mouth Disease serotype O antibodies in serum and plasma from bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and all susceptible species.


  • High analytical sensitivity
  • Rapid, with results in 90 minutes
  • Easy-to-use: no freeze-dried reagents and all dilution buffers are supplied ready-to-use


 Method  Competitive ELISA
 Species  Ruminants, swine and all susceptible species
 Specimens  Serum and plasma
 Coated antigen  Inactivated FMDV type O antigen
 Conjugate  Anti-serotype O-HRP concentrated conjugate (concentrated 10X)


                                            ORDERING INFORMATION
 Product code  FMDOC-5P  FMDOC-10P
 Kit format  5 plates  10 plates
 Reactions  480  960
 Plate format  12 x 8-well strips  12 x 8-well strips


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